Thursday, April 21, 2011

We are engaged !!!! 

I am so sorry that I have neglected my blog...
But here is a little secret as to what I have been working on... :)

Our Wedding Website!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Let me set the scene for you: I have been in my pajamas, ready for bed since about 8 PM tonight. I cannot believe how exhausted I have been throughout the past few days. Those little kindies can take a lot out of you! I was all tucked into my bed, ready to go to sleep, and I grabbed my phone and starting catching up on a few blogs that I follow. I was reading a friends blog that I haven't read in a while, and she had just posted a very lengthy post of God's faithfulness in her life over the past few years. Immediately, I was hooked. I was so inspired by her post that I got out of bed, got my computer, and now I am here writing to you.  This entire day I told myself that I was going to go to bed early, because every morning I regret staying up late :)

I am not posting about God's faithfulness in my life, although that is a subject that I could probably write a book on, seeing His faithfulness in more ways than I can count. Instead, I want to share my heart with you all about seasons of life. I have always heard that there are "seasons of life" that people go through depending on their age, their status, their walk with the Lord, and all of those kinds of things. The definition of this kind of season goes beyond what the weather feels like outside. It seems as though I could admit that I have been through many seasons. Seasons such as junior high (awkward season!), becoming a woman, high school, moving away and going to college, seasons of being completely confident, and seasons of feeling completely inept. Seasons of friendships and seasons of loneliness. But now, here I am. I am a college graduate, no one ever talks about this season.  If I had to define my current "season", I would define is just like this:  I have an appreciation for my family that I have never had in my entire life, my prayer life with the Lord is stronger than it has ever been, I am working in a position that I would have never thought (in a million years!) that I would be doing, I have a love for Kindergarteners :), I am living with my grandparents and doing my best to serve and love them in every way that I can think of, I am leading worship at church, I am very sure about some things in my future yet unsure how they are all going to work together to create a new season, I am in a season of waiting but assured that incredible things are just around the corner, I am in a season of serving, trusting, and submitting to those that are around me.... whew! That was a very long sentence ! :)   No one ever told me that a season of life could have so many things compiled into one.  However, I am being molded and refined like never before, and I have full confidence and trust in the Lord that His mighty hand is over our every breath, and He knows exactly what step we are going to take next.  And just when I think that I have it all figured out, the Lord shows me this verse:

The mind of man plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

I tend to go back and read old blog posts that I wrote, dating back to a few years ago. It never, ever fails- I always laugh! I read the posts and I think "Paige, just TRUST in the Lord and enjoy where you are!"  My task oriented ways sometime are a major weakness of mine, because I tend to not fully embrace the season in which the Lord has me. Why should I embrace this season, if in my mind there is an ever BETTER one waiting? Well, that is not entirely true. Okay, it is very easy for me to write on here that I need to engulf myself in the place where the Lord has me, do my very best, and not even think about the next season. But, unlike some of you, that is an extremely difficult concept for me. I am a future thinker, and a task-doer. Get things done, and always think of how we can be better. It took me a while to realize this about myself, and frankly, I am still realizing it.  It has taken major measures, like Papa having a stroke (for example) for me to realize that I need to really capture moments that are right in front of me, instead of thinking about future moments. 
So, if you see me around any time soon, make sure to remind me to embrace where the Lord has me, and that it is completely for His perfect purpose- I give you full permission to tell me :)  I have moments where I lose sight of that very truth in Proverbs 16. 
I love you all, thank you for allowing me to share and sticking with me. I need to go to bed, the kindies await me in the morning!

Monday, April 4, 2011

What an eventful and wonderful weekend this has been.  It all started on Friday with the Kindies! I completed my first full week with the little gems, and we had a going away party for Mrs. Samuel (she is who I am replacing). The party was full of fun and laughter, cake, and an adorable scrapbook for Mrs. Samuel. The scrapbook included each child's picture along with what they like most about Mrs. Samuel. There were tears shed and emotions all over the place, but it was a wonderful afternoon.

After school I could hardly contain myself because my roommate from college, Kayla Jean, was coming to town! Kayla and I lived on the same hall in the dorms our freshman year, then lived in apartments together for the following 3 years. We have not seen or spent time with one another since graduation, which is the longest amount of time that we have ever gone without seeing one another, so it was definitely time for a visit. She has been in China, while I have been traveling all around the country, so it was a blast to share stories and experiences with each other. 
We spent the afternoon shopping, went to CPK for dinner, and headed to US Airways Center to go to the Suns Game. We didn't know it at the time, but we were in for an interesting night. 
Since Papa had his stroke, it is impossible to go to the Suns arena without several people wondering where he is and why he isn't at the game. I was bombarded with so many people that I have never ever laid eyes on before, asking me questions about Papa. 
But there was one man that stood out among the rest. His name is Scott and he is an agent to a few of the Suns players. He called me and told me to meet him at a particular section because he had something to give to me. Having no idea what he was talking about, Kayla and I headed to the section to meet up with him. He ended up giving us back stage passes to put around our necks so we could see all of the players. But not only see the players, he had one of them prepared to give Papa a special gift. 
Here are the snap shots:

Below is Channing Frye ( My FAVORITE Suns player) and myself!

This is Josh Childress, who ended up giving Papa a pair of his GIANT Nike shoes, signed just for Papa!

So after our late night of galavanting around the arena and meeting Suns players, we arrived back to Papa and Grandma's house and went straight to sleep! Saturday morning came quickly, and Papa was already awake and showered. I was making coffee and I mentioned that I saw a sign that there was a community garage sale happening in the neighborhood. Papa jumped out of his chair and told us that he wanted to go! Kayla and I went and put on some normal clothes, brushed our teeth, and we were out the door. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and though we didn't find any good bargains, it was still a huge blessing to get Papa out and about. We somehow made our way to Shea's softball game... it was a fantastic morning! 

Saturday afternoon consisted of shopping, chatting, and pedicures! :)
New shoes, new toes :) 

Saturday night we got all dolled up and headed to First Baptist Church of Chandler to see the Choir and Orchestra from CBU. Yes, the same Choir and Orchestra that Kayla and I sang in while we were in college! It was so great to see familiar faces, hear wonderful and fresh music, and (for once) be on the audience side of the auditorium :) 

I have SO many exciting things that have already happened this week, and it is only Monday! I can't share them all, just yet. But don't worry, they will be coming very soon, and I will be able to share with you all how intricately the Lord is working, both in my life, in church, in my family, everything. But for now, just PRAY that the Lord always be recognized, in our triumphs and our valleys, and that I remember that the Lord is faithful, always.  

Be Blessed

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Wednesday! This has felt like the most normal week that I have experienced since I graduated from college. I have woken up to an alarm clock every morning, rushed to get ready, went to work, came home, ran around for my grandparents, then go to church and family activities in the evening. Whew! If I am being honest, I really do enjoy being on a schedule.  I am very thankful for a place to work in the mornings, and also to have the availability to help out my grandparents.

Monday afternoon Papa needed a few things out in Fountain Hills, which is about an hours drive from the house. Papa and Grandma lived in Fountain Hills since my mom was in high school, and didn't move out to Queen Creek til 2004. So, I spent all of my childhood "going to grandma's house" in Fountain Hills.  I knew it would be pretty neat to go back out there, but I had an exceptional afternoon. I drove down Beeline Highway, which is the same highway that I remember asking my parents very serious questions about the Lord when I was only 6 years old. I remember having a long conversation down that long highway about sin and about accepting Jesus Christ into my heart. I could almost hear my mom and dad asking me questions as I drove down the highway.  I turned the music off and just talked to the Lord, being reminded that I have had a relationship with Him for 16 years now. I went to a home where I was picking some things up for Papa, and ended up staying there for a while. The couple talked so highly of my grandparents, and had countless stories of how Grandma and Papa have been so good to them and have really blessed their lives. My "mini road trip" to the desert ended up being such a wonderful time that I desperately needed.

I was thinking of this verse all afternoon...

Whom have I in heaven but You?
Earth has nothing I desire besides You.
Psalm 73:25

Be Blessed

Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Monday!  

I am very happy to announce that I started my position today at Chandler Christian School as a Teachers Assistant for the Kindergarten class! I am so excited for this opportunity, to be able to work the first half of the day, and then come home and help grandma and papa for the afternoon/evenings. The children are such a joy, and I love that I get to be so close to mom. It will only be until the end of May, which will give me more time to apply for more jobs and try to get my feet into something that will be a little more substantial and permanent.

Also, Papa is officially home. We were able to bring him home on Saturday afternoon, just in time for lunch. He ate 6 bowls of tortilla soup and then ate 2 In N Out burgers for dinner! We all sat around and talked to him about what he remembers and does not remember, and he could not believe some of the things that he had told us while he was in the hospital. Ha!  We all have to adjust to him being home, helping him get around and preparing small food for him to eat. He still has to realize that he has a new lifestyle, and we all have to learn what his limits are.  This is just another step in his journey and we are all so happy that he is making such progress.

I am currently reading Pastor Gregg Matte’s book “Finding God’s Will”. Pastor Gregg gave it to me a few weeks ago when I was in Houston, and I am so glad I have gotten around to reading it. If you have yet to read it, I encourage you to dive into it. I will give you more of my thoughts about the book in later posts.

Papa and I are going to enjoy some of this....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

{Sister Day}

Shea and I decided we were over due for a Sister Day! 
We would always make sure to make time for Sister Day when I would come home from school, but since I have moved back, life has been a little crazy and our Sister Day has been neglected. 
Since it was such a beautiful Spring day outside, we decided a photo shoot would be fun!
I did Shea's hair, we took a detour to Chipotle for lunch, and then went out to our backyard for some photo fun! I have also neglected my wonderful camera over the past few months, so it was good to get it out and get some use out of it. Shea is growing up more and more everyday, and getting more beautiful everyday. 
Here are some shots of the fun that we had:

We thought it would be fun to mimic an old fashioned fashion ad. We just had a blast.
I might be a little bias, but I don't think Audrey has much on Shea Van Camp :)

I am really thanking the Lord for my sister today. She has a giant heart of gold and her possibilities are absolutely endless.

I love you, Shea !

Monday, March 21, 2011

And so it continues...

My job search is still on!  I am beginning to not even have a count anymore of how many jobs that I have applied for.  However, my search is expanding! I am beginning to look passed the boarders of Phoenix and explore other areas of the country. I really appreciate all of you who are faithfully remembering me and this season of life in your prayers. I continually receive notes from you all reminding me that you are lifting me up and are confident that I am right where the Lord wants me.  I have such a sense of urgency in my heart to start working, and working hard. I cannot wait for the day that I will announce my employment! :)

It is a cold and rainy day in Queen Creek. Daddy took the girls out to Chili's for lunch and we all ordered soup! It was very appropriate for the kind of day that it is. I was wearing flip flops, and had to go back home to get out my boots to warm up my feet!  I am currently sitting at Grandma Peggy's drinking coffee. We are waiting to go down to the rehab center to see Papa. He was being transported to the hospital to take a swallow test. We have been praying all day- nonstop- that it all goes well. He has started walking with help, and is able to move his right side, very slowly. I spent all evening with Grandma last night and we were discussing how is has not even been a month since his second stroke, and how much progress he has made. We sure do have a lot to be thankful for.


We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things

‘Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

‘Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home,

‘Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Attention : Prayer Warriors

What a day this has been. Aunt Sherry, mom and I visited Papa at the rehab center. He is ready to leave, but yet he cannot leave. He thinks he has the capacity and has made enough progress to leave, but yet he cannot. He was furious with us for not taking him home. We had never seen him so mad in all of our lives. We had a tear streaming kind of a day. Pray pray pray. We know the Lord is faithful and we WILL find ways to rejoice through this. We appreciate your prayers, so so much.

I had this song on repeat today. Incredible song.

Waiting Here For You, Christy Nockels

If faith can move the mountains
Let the mountains move
We come with expectation
Waiting here for you, I’m waiting here for you

You’re the Lord of all creation
And still you know my heart
The Author of Salvation 
You’ve loved us from the start

Waiting here for You
With our hands lifted high in praise
And it's You we adore
Singing Alleluia

You are everything You’ve promised
Your faithfulness is true
And we're desperate for Your presence
All we need is You

Singing Alleluia
Alleluia, singing alleluia, alleluia

Waiting here for you
With our hands lifted high in praise
And it's You we adore 
We're singing Alleluia

I'm singing Alleluia
Waiting here for you 
With our hands lifted high in praise
And it's You we adore 
Singing Alleluia
Singing Alleluia

"Beloved, God is not tired. Nor is God tired of you. He delights in your attentions even when you practice them much like you did yesterday. He waits for you to awaken, and He anticipates His time with you. When you and I ignore Him, He is disappointed. Somehow in His self-existent essence and omniscience, His foreknowledge does not cheat Him of reactive emotion. He laughs when you delight in Him. He listens when you speak to Him. He honors you when you persevere with Him. In all the changes He is making within you and me, He rejoices in the few things that call for blessed sameness. Lets stay faithful, you and I.  "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up"(Gal. 6:9). "

Beth Moore, Believing God 

I have found myself successfully diving into 4 books now. Why I don't start and finish a book before I start another, I do not know. I have sort of neglected my Beth Moore, Believing God book over the past couple weeks so I decided when I woke up this morning that I would finish it. Every single time I crack open that book I put it down so encouraged and ready for whatever the Lord has for the coming days. So, another question to ask myself, Why don't I crack the book open more often?
Well, I can't answer that either (ha!) 
Anyway, I found this excerpt in my reading today and I just can't get over how much I love it. I wish I could frame it and hang it up in my room where I can be reminded of it all of the time. 
It is such a good reminder that the Lord's love for us is so deep. He delights in us, and He really is proud of us when we choose to please Him. He knows our ways, He knows our days, yet He still does not let them cheat Him of having emotion toward us when we are faithful to Him. How in the world can that even be fair?  The Lord proves over and over again through His love letter to us that He gives us choices. Choices to love Him and choices to please Him, and none of us HAVE to. But who would not want to? 
I have experienced emotions over the past few weeks that I do not count as pleasant. Emotions such as grief, exhaustion, stress. I have to admit that I found myself thinking by default that the Lord was so tired of hearing my plea. I would ask- no, I would BEG- for healing, for pressure to be taken away, for rest. 
But I cannot express to you all how incredible it is to know that the Lord does not grow tired and weary of hearing our plea. Our friends and family might, but the Lord does not. And just like Beth Moore so beautifully stated, He does rejoice in changes that He is making in us, but He also rejoices in the few things that call for blessed sameness- i.e. running and pleading to Him, no matter how strong the emotion, or how tired we feel.

Stay faithful to Him, and do not become weary in doing good. The Lord loves us! 

In other news: It is Spring Break! This is the first "Spring Break" that I am not in school, but I don't want anyone to worry- I am still fully celebrating it :) haha
I have a special Spring Break/Birthday trip to Houston  all next week! I cannot WAIT!